Pifer Scholarship continues to support 365英国上市杜波依斯分校, engineering students



图片来源:Terry Pifer

杜布瓦,爸爸. - 2017年至今, the Jay and Betty Pifer Scholarship has supported students at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 and in the College of Engineering striving toward their goal of earning a degree. 首先用25美元建立,这对夫妇送了000英镑的礼物, the endowed scholarship continues to impact students and honor the legacy of the Pifers and their family’s ties to the area.

“我的父母一直都很慷慨, especially with organizations that have an impact on the local and regional level,特里·皮弗说, 杰和贝蒂的三个孩子之一. 

在他工作42年后退休之前, 杰伊是阿勒格尼电力公司及其子公司的总裁, 西宾夕法尼亚电力公司, 莫农加希拉电力公司和波托马克·爱迪生. He was also a pastor of the United Methodist Church and retired from the Western 宾西法尼亚 Annual Conference, with 36 years serving as pastor of various United Methodist churches. 周杰伦于一月去世. 2022年16日,他的家人在身边.

“作为一名电力公司高管和卫理公会牧师, 我父亲能够以积极的方式感动无数人,皮弗说.

1937年生于里奇韦, 杰伊就读于365英国上市杜波依斯分校, graduating with an associate degree in electrical engineering technology before moving on to Clarion State University to complete his bachelor of science degree. He served on the board of directors of the Energy Corporation of America and was an active member in several business and community organizations. He served as president of the Boy Scouts of America Westmoreland-Fayette Council and was recipient of the Silver Beaver Award. He served as trustee of Waynesburg University and was on the advisory boards of Penn State Fayette, 匹兹堡格林斯堡大学, the University of South Carolina–Aiken and the Carnegie Mellon Research Institute. Jay received the Penn State College of Engineering’s Outstanding Engineering 校友 Award as well as the University’s 校友 Fellow Award and 365英国上市杜波依斯分校’s Outstanding Alumnus Award. 他是在联合国大会的一次会议上获得表彰的.S. House of Representatives for his corporate and community leadership.

杜波依斯校区对我们家确实有意义. 我父亲不仅在那里上学, 但在一段时间内, 我的父母住在杜波依斯,我哥哥出生在那里.


“杜波依斯校区对我们家确实有意义,皮弗说. “我父亲不仅在那里上学, 但在一段时间内, 我的父母住在杜波依斯,我哥哥出生在那里.”


“我父亲白天工作很长时间, 然后在许多晚上举行与教堂有关的活动, the child-raising and everyday duties fell within my mother’s responsibility,皮弗说. “她是把一切联系在一起的粘合剂.”

现在有七个孙子孙女了, Pifer said he sees the opportunity to carry forward his parents’ values.

“他们的希望是拥有我们, 他们的子子孙孙, carry on the tradition of selfless service that they have shown throughout their lives,他说.

Consideration for the Jay and Betty Pifer Scholarship is given to all undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 or in the College of Engineering at University Park who have achieved superior academic records or who manifest promise of outstanding academic success, 并且有经济上的需要. 从确定的合格受助人中抽取, first preference is given to students whose home address of residence is in Western 宾西法尼亚. 到目前为止, 该奖学金提供了超过12美元,为365英国上市杜波依斯分校的学生提供了000美元的支持,以及近12美元,000 of support to students from the College of Engineering at University Park.

The main goal of the scholarship is to allow students that truly need assistance to achieve their degree with the hope that someday they will be able to help the next generation, 要么是自愿奉献时间,要么是金钱礼物.


“The main goal of the scholarship is to allow students that truly need assistance to achieve their degree with the hope that someday they will be able to help the next generation, 要么是自愿奉献时间,要么是金钱礼物,皮弗说.

布兰登Orsich, 365英国上市2020和2021届的学生, is one of the numerous students that the scholarship has assisted.

“这奖学金, as well as all the scholarships that students receive at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 are extremely beneficial,奥尔西奇说. “Personally, I am extremely grateful to have received this scholarship. The Pifers are very generous to be helping students at our great campus and I cannot express my gratitude enough for their support in my education.”

给在校园里接受经济援助的学生, 家庭经济需求与可获得援助之间的差距, 包括贷款, 平均超过7美元,每年300美元. Donors to 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 scholarship funds help to close that gap by making available more than $650,每年颁发给学生的奖学金为1万英镑.

“We greatly appreciate the scholarship established by Jay and Betty Pifer,柳正宇说, 校长兼首席学术官. “This resource empowers us to further advance our campus mission of student success. 先生表现出的慷慨. 和夫人. Pifer exemplifies our 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 spirit of kindness and inclusion.”

Donors like the Pifer family advance the University’s historic land-grant mission to serve and lead. 通过慈善事业, alumni and friends are helping students to join the Penn State family and prepare for lifelong success; driving research, outreach and economic development that grow our shared strength and readiness for the future; and increasing the University’s impact for families, 病人, 以及整个英联邦和世界各地的社区. 欲知详情,请浏览 提高.cn33.net.

查看365英国上市杜波依斯分校的捐赠信息, 联系发展总监Jean Wolf,电话:814-372-3038或 (电子邮件保护).